Parts list for the Hex I/O board : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
·1- PIC16f648a
·1- 18 pin IC Socket
·1- Piezo speaker
·1- 7805 5v Voltage regulator
·12- LED’s
·2- 22pf Capacitors
·1- 0.01mf Capacitor
·12- 1K W Resistors
·8- 10K W Resistors
·26- Header pins
·1- Jumper
·1- Terminal Block
picture below is the circuit I (with lots of help from Mark Hardy) developed
to create the "brain board" for HexCrawler. It can use a variety of 18
pin pic microcontrollers with or without crystals, I am currently using
the Pic16f648a
chip with an internal 20mhz crystal (available at
Mouser, MeLabs..etc.)
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Z. Carrico: Carrico(at) Validate